Special features of this performance
The third puppet version trial performance. We hope to further develop 'Inana's Descent to the Nether world' through this new puppet version in the future. This version ends where Inana and Ereškigal are turned into corpses and gala-tura and the kur-ĝara do not make an appearance. The whole performance was in Sumerian with subtitles. After the performance there was a break followed by the puppet show 'Hitokui Okaasan'.
Date: 18th June, 2018
At: Tokoji, Hiroo, Tokyo
- Inana, Goddess of the heavens and earth: Noboru Yasuda (Waki, Noh Artist)
- Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Nether World/Ninshubur, Inana’s minister/語り: Kasumi Kanazawa
- Neti, Gate Keeper of the Netherworld: Yoshio Oshima
- Chorus : Noriko Nawa
- Chorus/語り: Satoshi Ogane
- Inana doll creation: Shouhei Yamashita (Sculpter and Artist)
- Keyboard, computer: Satoru Wono (Musician)
- Percussion: Masayuki Moriyama
- Advise and translation into Japanese: Keisuke Takai (University Academic)