Special features of this performance
A shortened version of the all-puppet version in Sumerian with subtitles.
The performance was held as part of a talk session with Hiroyoshi Tahata, a Rolfer, and Noburu Yasuda.
This second talk session by the two was about 'Intention and possession, how position in space can affect performance'.
Date: 20st June, 2018
'Haretara Sorani Mamemaite'
- Inana, Goddess of the heavens and earth: Noboru Yasuda (Waki, Noh Artist)
- Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Nether World/Ninshubur, Inana’s minister/語り: Kasumi Kanazawa
- Neti, Gate Keeper of the Netherworld: Yoshio Oshima
- Chorus : Noriko Nawa
- Chorus/語り: Satoshi Ogane
- Inana doll creation: Shouhei Yamashita (Sculpter and Artist)
- Keyboard, computer: Satoru Wono (Musician)
- Percussion: Masayuki Moriyama
- Advise and translation into Japanese: Keisuke Takai (University Academic)